The Real Mackay

Walter Scott’s Favourite Comedian

Historical fiction, based on fact, about the life and times of ‘The Real Mackay’ the favourite stage comedian of Sir Walter Scott. A novel which brings to life the golden era of Scottish national drama in the early 19th Century.

The Real Mackay

'An utterly enthralling book - immensely successful, minutely researched and very moving.'

Professor Sir Iain Torrance, former chair of The Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club (2019 – 22)

Helen Graham

Over the years I've worked as a knitwear designer and a filmmaker and co-founded a film festival, but now I'm mostly researching and writing. I have three children and five grandchildren and live in Edinburgh. Based on the life of my ancestor, The Real Mackay is my debut novel.

For details of author events and other news see my news page.

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‘I absolutely loved it. I was hooked by the historical record and superb love story Helen’s tenacious research and innovative imagination deliver. She has done her ancestor proud.’

Sandra Mackay – President of the Clan Mackay Society

Theatrical History Snippets

I keep discovering so many interesting things during my research that I know will never make it onto the pages of a book, but I still really want to write about them. Starting a blog seemed like a good idea!